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【论坛首页】→ 【广而告之】→ 主题:英语论文代写作者招聘启事(长期招聘)

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yuanxiao(2013/9/16 7:16:24)  点击:49613  回复:2  IP:61.* * *
  本团队从事欧美英语文书写作已经快10年时间了, 曾为多个国家(英国, 美国,新西兰,加拿大,新西兰,加拿大 等英语国家)的留学生提供各种文书写作服务。

  由于目前业务大幅度增加, 急需大量招聘英文论文作者。 如有能力, 每人每周可接5000字或者以上的业务。所以收入相当可观。









  1、请将个人简介(真实姓名、年龄、职业、工作简历、擅长的稿件类型、手机号、稿费要求等), 连同 测试答题 (见下文) 发到本公司邮箱[email protected],邮件标题请注明:应聘英语写作人才 + 你的姓名. 如有过去作品,建议附上,以便我们更准确地评估,如果您有任何疑问,可以 QQ:1692163626 联系我们 ;











  Please complete the following sections in English within 4 hours.

  Please stick to the question and words limit, and be aware of any duplication from personal resume or publications in your answers will be considered as inappropriate attempts.

  1. In a statement of no more than 100 words, tell us why you choose to apply for this job and what motivates you to take all responsibilities for this job.

  2. Tell us about your goals, circumstances or experiences that are important to you, and, in general, anything else you would like us to know that may have significant effect on your academic performance, life or achievement (answer must be within 150 words).

  3. Throughout the world, television and cinema screens are full of American Programming,is this a good or bad thing? (No less than 150 words) .

  4. Select two hot points of the Chinese economy and from your point of view analyze how they will affect the industries, people’s life styles, and anything else of the society. (No less than 150 words) .

  5. Some people feel that in order to improve the quality of our education, we should encourage high school student to evaluate and criticize their teachers. Other feels it will cause the loss of respect and discipline in the classroom. What is your opinion? (No less than 150 words) .

  如果您有任何疑问,可以 QQ:1692163626 联系我们


.1.  回复:英语论文代写作者招聘启事(长期招聘)
yuanxiao(2013/9/23 6:47:49)  IP:31.* * *
  本团队从事欧美英语文书写作已经快10年时间了, 曾为多个国家(英国, 美国,新西兰,加拿大,新西兰,加拿大 等英语国家)的留学生提供各种文书写作服务。

  由于目前业务大幅度增加, 急需大量招聘英文论文作者。 如有能力, 每人每周可接5000字或者以上的业务。所以收入相当可观。









  1、请将个人简介(真实姓名、年龄、职业、工作简历、擅长的稿件类型、手机号、稿费要求等), 连同 测试答题 (见下文) 发到本公司邮箱[email protected],邮件标题请注明:应聘英语写作人才 + 你的姓名. 如有过去作品,建议附上,以便我们更准确地评估,如果您有任何疑问,可以 QQ:1692163626 联系我们 ;











Multiple Choices
Please highlight the areas of your expertise below so that we can give you the proper assignments if you pass this test.
For example:
Accounting & Finance

Accounting & Finance
Aeronautical & Manufacturing Engineering
Agriculture & Forestry
American Studies
Anatomy & Physiology
Art & Design
Biological Sciences
Chemical Engineering
Civil Engineering
Classics & Ancient History
Communication & Media Studies
Computer Science
Drama, Dance & Cinematics
East & South Asian Studies
Electrical & Electronic Engineering
Food Science
General Engineering
Geography & Environmental Science
History of Art, Architecture & Design
Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism
Land & Property Management
Librarianship & Information Management
Materials Technology
Mechanical Engineering
Middle Eastern & African Studies
Other Subjects Allied to Medicine
Pharmacology & Pharmacy
Physics & Astronomy
Social Policy
Social Work
Sports Science
Theology & Religious Studies
Town & Country Planning and Landscape

Writing Section
1. In an essay of no more than 200 words, please select three words that describe you best and tell us how you will use these qualities/characteristics to contribute fully to this job.

2. Imagine you are now giving a lecture on the topic you excel to college students, which topic would you choose? Tell us the main idea of your lecture. (150-350 Words)
Tips: please state one topic in your area of interest or expertise so that we can grasp a picture of your talents both in English writing and knowledge in a certain field. You can begin with a brief introduction of your choice followed by a detailed explanation or declaration of your own view.

3. Please select two of the five questions and complete two essays with 150-350 words respectively.
4. In order to be a successful leader, is it better to be loved or feared?
5. Do patent laws encourage or hinder development?
6. What changes in society will follow from increased life expectancy?
7. Albert Einstein wrote that “The whole of science is nothing more than the refinement of everyday thinking.” Do you agree and why?
8. Why do we need banks?

Tips: This part gives you an opportunity to show that you can communicate effectively in writing, organising your ideas and presenting them clearly and concisely. Since there is no right answer to each question, just state what you really think in the space provided below. You should start by planning the essay carefully, deciding what are the main points that you want to make in the limited lines available, and how to organise your answer to explain and convey them clearly. A concise and well-structured answer will be warmly welcomed.

Criteria Standards
Fail standard
(3-4 marks) Pass standard
(5-7 marks) High standard
(8-10 marks)
quality of expression Stilted, awkward and/or oversimplified expression resulting in overall lack of clarity of meaning. Correct but occasionally stilted or awkward expression although meaning is generally retained.
Clear, concise, scrupulously accurate polished and sometimes innovative or original language used to express complex and abstract ideas and information
Your mark:_______________

如果您有任何疑问,可以 QQ:1692163626 联系我们


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