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[原创] 英文论文写作技巧和要点分享—essay
alanlaeuk(2022/10/17 19:46:57)  点击:18879  回复:2  IP:198.* * *

刚出来留学的学生们对于英文的写作总会遇到很多的麻烦,英国院校的论文写作形式一般包括essay, report, proposal, dissertation等,这里先介绍essay的一般写法和注意事项,希望对大家有用。

An essay is generally written as one flowing document that uses paragraphs to separate ideas, without the section headings, underlining, numbering and bullet points that are used in reports.
Essays have 4 vital sections: Introduction, Main Body, Conclusion and References/Bibliography.

The introduction
This helps set the context-structure for the essay. It introduces the main ideas of the essay and draws the reader into the subject. It tells readers what to expect. The Introduction outlines the main issues on which you intend to focus and others you just intend to mention. It defines any terms or concepts that you need and acknowledges possible issues raised by the question and explains your approach.  It may act as an overview in summarising the issues to show an understanding of the exact question. It is often about 10% of the length of the essay.

The main body
The main section of the work should be organised into paragraphs which present the facts and develop the arguments. The structure will depend upon what you intend to do, e.g. compare and contrast, analyse, critically evaluate, explain, etc. Address the exact task and focus on the topic

Decide on your main points. Organise these points in appropriate paragraphs to build your work in a series of logical steps to suit the essay’s length, complexity and purpose. Paragraphs group related sentences to develop each main idea, making it easier to follow your points. In each paragraph include PEEEL – Point, Evidence, Example, Explain, Link. Paragraphs need a key Point which is often the first sentence. Define your point, clearly and concisely. Then include supporting Evidence, quote definitions, refer to facts, and other people’s theories that relate to the same point. Apply relevant Examples to clarify.

Use signposting words and phrases (e.g. therefore, however, conversely, again) to help readers follow your work.

Restate your focus by emphasising the key points, drawing together the threads of your work. A basic conclusion refers back to the main points, linking them to the exact task to prove that you have addressed it exactly. For example, ‘This essay has looked at the issues of… and found…’
DO NOT include any new information/evidence because you are ‘summing up’ (as for a jury!). For this reason, you generally do not include any text citations but you may cross reference. Check your Conclusion refers back to the Introduction. Link them in case the reader was not paying attention! Make sure that your ending does not tail off weakly as a conclusion should be strong!

Referencing is the process of recording details of the secondary sources (books, journal articles, electronic sources etc.). Read the ASU Guide to Harvard Referencing for examples of how to reference any sort of material. Check your Harvard Referencing is thorough - that you have included all your sources. Cross-reference points where possible to avoid repetition. Bibliographies contain all the sources that you used in your research, even if you did not quote or refer to them specifically in your text as well as those you used in the text!!!

很多英国读书的中国留学生都会遇到论文写作方面的困难,我们为有困难和需要的英国留学生提供论文的辅导服务,专业不限,商科为主,在学习过程中涉及到的所有类型论文包括essay, report, assignment, proposal, dissertation都可以.我们对英国院校论文的写作要求和规范非常熟悉和了解,可以帮助有需要的学生朋友顺利的掌握相关的写作技巧,应对学业的压力,顺利的通过相应的课程拿到最终的学位!有关于论文写作的困难和麻烦请联系我们,谢谢!

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