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wtw(2007/11/1 8:14:14)  点击:51135  回复:7  IP:61.* * *
The international Graduates Scheme (IGS) will be launched on 1 May 2007. It will replace the Science and Engineering Graduates Scheme. It enables non-EEA students who have successfully completed and obtained a degree, Master’s degree, PhD, or postgraduate certificate or diploma on or after 1 May 2007 to work in the UK for up to 12 months upon completion of their studies. If they want to remain in the UK beyond this time, they can switch into an appropriate immigration category to pursue their career, provided they meet the relevant requirements.
.1.  回复:英国学生签证最新政策,实行扩签
wtw(2007/11/1 8:14:48)  IP:61.* * *
What is the International Graduates Scheme?

The International Graduates Scheme (IGS) will be launched on 1 May 2007 with the aim of encouraging graduates of UK further or higher education establishments to pursue a career in the United Kingdom. Those who complete their courses on or after 1 May 2007 can apply regardless of the subject they have studied. Those who finished their courses before 1 May 2007 may still apply under the old Science and Engineering Graduate Scheme rules.

IGS is a transitional route which enables students who have studied in the UK to access the labour market and gain work experience in the UK.

During their leave under IGS participants can take any type of employment or self-employment. If they want to remain here beyond their leave under IGS in order to pursue their career, they can switch into various employment or self-employment categories, if they meet the relevant requirements.

.2.  回复:英国学生签证最新政策,实行扩签
wtw(2007/11/1 8:15:12)  IP:61.* * *
How do I qualify under the scheme?

To be granted leave under the scheme, applicants must (amongst other things):

• have successfully completed a relevant course at a recognised or listed UK institution of Higher or Further Education on or after 1 May 2007. A relevant course is:

• a Bachelor’s degree course; OR
• a Master's or PhD course; OR
• a postgraduate certificate or diploma. And must:

• have completed their course in the last 12 months (as shown by the date of expiry of leave as a Student to complete this course)
• intend to work during the period of leave granted under the scheme
• be able to maintain and accommodate themselves and any dependants without recourse to public funds;
• intend to leave the UK at the end of their stay (unless granted leave as a work permit holder, highly skilled migrant, business person, innovator or student).
.3.  回复:英国学生签证最新政策,实行扩签
wtw(2007/11/1 8:15:34)  IP:61.* * *
Does it matter what course I have studied?

If you completed your course on or after 1 May 2007 you can apply regardless of which course you studied. If you finished your course before 1 May 2007 it is still possible to apply, but your application will be considered under the conditions of the Science and Engineering Graduate Scheme rules, which placed certain limitations on which courses were eligible (see below).
.4.  回复:英国学生签证最新政策,实行扩签
wtw(2007/11/1 8:15:55)  IP:61.* * *
How do I know if the institution at which I studied is ‘recognised’ or ‘listed’?

The UK authorities recognise those institutions that can offer degrees by virtue of their own degree awarding powers (recognised bodies) or those powers of another institution (listed bodies). A full list of recognised and listed UK further and higher education institutions is available on the Department for Education and Skills website at www.dfes.gov.uk/recognisedukdegree
.5.  回复:英国学生签证最新政策,实行扩签
wtw(2007/11/1 8:16:14)  IP:61.* * *
What if I have studied a PGCE?

Those who have completed a PGCE (Post Graduate Certificate in Education) at recognised or listed UK institution of further or higher education are eligible. Holders of postgraduate certificates and diplomas obtained from a recognised or listed body in any subject matter are eligible.

.6.  回复:英国学生签证最新政策,实行扩签
wtw(2007/11/1 8:16:32)  IP:61.* * *
What if I have my results, but have not graduated yet?

Applicants can apply for IGS before they are issued with their degree certificate. If they do not have a degree certificate, they can provide a letter from their institution confirming that they have completed the course at the required level.

.7.  回复:英国学生签证最新政策,实行扩签
wtw(2007/11/1 8:16:52)  IP:61.* * *
What if I finished my course before 1 May 2007 and was planning to apply for the Science and Engineering Graduates Scheme?

You should apply on the IGS form, but your application will be considered under the conditions of the Science and Engineering Graduates Scheme (SEGS) as it existed on 30 April 2007.
To be granted leave under the scheme, if you completed your degree before 1 May 2007, applicants must (amongst other things):

• have successfully completed a relevant course at a recognised or listed UK institution of Higher or Further Education. A relevant course is:

• a degree course (with second class honours (2.2) or higher), Master’s or PhD on the relevant list of physical science, mathematics and engineering courses approved by the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) for the purposes of this scheme. And must

• Have completed their course in the last 12 months (as shown by the date of expiry of leave as a Student to complete this course)
• intend to work during the period of leave granted under the scheme
• be able to maintain and accommodate themselves and any dependants without recourse to public funds;
• intend to leave the UK at the end of their stay (unless granted leave as a work permit holder, highly skilled migrant, business person or innovator).

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