2007/7/19 9:18:28 发表于6336天前 706
据报道, 来圣安德鲁斯的外国游客在等公车时,都不得不在公共汽车站前的充满恶臭的厕所外排队等候; Fife市议以£169,000的高价出售了 Lawhead小学的校工府. 市民本周表示, 担心该城的盈利被冲走.
SIX-FIGURE profits from the sale of toilets at the
And, with reports of foreign visitors to St Andrews having to queue outside smelly loos in the bus station and Fife Council advertising the janitor's house at
Fife Council has confirmed that the proceeds of the former Lawhead janitor's house will go into the general receipts to help with the local authority's Capital Programme. Legal detail over the toilets was still being looked into as the Citizen went to press.
One resident said: "The council should use the money from the sale to build new toilets or at least upgrade those at the harbour.
''I wouldn't send my child in there. They should all be properly manned.''
Another resident, who lives near Lawhead, asked why the janitor's house had not been used to put a roof over the head of a family on the council's housing list?
''As far as I know it has been empty for the past five years or so, mainly because there were security concerns over who could stay in the school grounds,'' she added.