2007/11/20 9:18:28 发表于6212天前 632
苏格兰大学物理学联盟(SUPA)是一个汇集了来自圣安德鲁斯,爱丁堡,赫瑞尔德,帕里斯以及斯特莱斯克莱德大学精英的研究组织。来自康奈尔大学的Séamus Davis教授被聘为SUPA的杰出研究教授。
详细信息:Professor Davis is a distinguished low temperature and condensed matter physicist, and was a co-recipient of the 2005 Fritz London Memorial Prize. The 20% appointment, which came into effect in July, signals the beginning of what is hoped will be a long research collaboration between Cornell and SUPA. It will involve joint work between
Professor Davis said, "I am excited about the great potential of this collaboration. Combining SUPA and Cornell expertise in this way opens avenues of science that neither of us could explore in isolation. Before formalizing our collaboration with this appointment, we performed a full year's feasibility study involving personnel interchange and transatlantic group meetings, and it has worked sowell that I am full of optimism for the future."
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